If those corporate “we’re going green” ads were honest…
…they’d probably look something like the one above. Hat tip to Steven Hayward over at NRO. ..bruce w..
…they’d probably look something like the one above. Hat tip to Steven Hayward over at NRO. ..bruce w..
I’ve avoided doing a lot of blogging on Climategate because so many other sites and bloggers are doing such a great job, while the Left gets increasingly shrill (“Pay no attention to the scientists behind the curtain!”). But a new critical point has been reached: the Warmist scientific elite are starting to turn on one […]
I haven’t written much about ‘Climategate’ because so many others are doing such a great job (for example, see here, here, and here). But this video (hat tip to Ace of Spades) pretty much sums things up (and with a catchy tune, too!). ..bruce w..
The sad thing is, it’s true. An electric car is, in effect, a NIMBY-mobile. Unless you’ve got your own clean energy source (e.g., a large solar panel farm on your property — and here’s a shout-out to Jim Hamerly), you’re likely still impacting the environment — just at a distance. ..bruce w..
ITEM: My co-blogger, Bruce Henderson, has a post over at the New Ledger about the proposed legislation to give the President “emergency control of the Internet”: S773 makes no attempt to outline and describe what form of emergency would trigger the use of these broad new powers to limit communication, nor any means by which […]
Hat tip to my long time friend Wayne de Geere for sharing this one. It sums up my outlook on people’s fear of climate change. For more entertainment on this subject, you can check out their blog, Minnesotans For Global Warming.
MORNING LINKS ITEM: Speaking of swine flu hysteria, this may be a good time to invest in pork belly futures — there may be a shortage soon. ITEM: Yet another way in which Western Europeans are looking for the US to help them financially. ITEM: Here’s a slideshow of items from the Michael Jackson Neverland […]
MORNING LINKS — apparently, Monday’s also a snowy day ITEM: I went to bed with rain falling outside and woke up to about an inch of snow on the ground, with more falling. And apparently we could get more on Friday Morning (May 1st). ITEM: For about two years before things collapsed, my co-blogger, Bruce […]