Kickstarter for World War III (video)
This, on the other hand, is a much better video. Heh. ..bruce w..
This, on the other hand, is a much better video. Heh. ..bruce w..
Hat tip to the essential Andrew Malcolm over at Investor’s Business Daily. ..bruce w..
[Original song above — I lack the talent and mad skillz to do a parody recording myself] Well I don’t know how I’ll keep my career I got the feeling that I’m out on my rear I’m so scared that my pension is gone And my furniture is out on the lawn Europe to the […]
This doesn’t appear to be so much a real spam message as it is a student at a university having fun. Subject: Free heroin shipping From: “freeland temp” <> Date: 9 Jun 2011 08:49:27 +0600 To: “der frederic” <[my e-mail address]> FREE HEROIN SHIPPING! 1. Heroin, in liquid and crystal form. 2. Rocket fuel and […]
Clearly, I’ve been looking at this music video all wrong: Rebecca Black wakes somewhat too perfectly in the early scenes of her viral video, “Friday.” Her eyes open exactly as the clock beside her bed flashes seven. She wears full make-up. Rare for a teen, she isn’t tired, longs not for any receding dreams. Her […]
CIA’s ‘Facebook’ Program Dramatically Cut Agency’s Costs The Onion, as usual, nails it. Once you’ve watched it, watch it again in full-screen mode to read the headlines and factoid crawls (starting around 1:45). ..bruce w..
Yes, Dennis Kusinich is suing the House of Representatives Cafeteria for $150,000 because he bit into an unpitted olive: The Cleveland Democratic congressman’s lawsuit seeks $150,000 in damages from companies that operate the Longworth House Office Building’s cafeteria. It says he bought the suspicious sandwich wrap “on or about April 17, 2008,” and eating it caused “permanent […]
My eye was caught over at the Apple Movie Trailers site by an upcoming film named “2012: Time for Change“. I read the movie synopsis and was practically overcome with giggling. “2012: Time for Change” presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptical doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee Joao Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, […]