Saturday morning funnies
Conan O’Brian has had William Shatner reading excerpts from “Going Rogue” by Sarah Palin. Friday night, Palin got a chance to turn the tables. The look on Shatner’s face is priceless. Hat tip to Gateway Pundit. ..bruce w..
Conan O’Brian has had William Shatner reading excerpts from “Going Rogue” by Sarah Palin. Friday night, Palin got a chance to turn the tables. The look on Shatner’s face is priceless. Hat tip to Gateway Pundit. ..bruce w..
I scan the web so that you don’t have to . . . Let’s see . . . the North Koreans . . . the Chinese . . . and now the Russians. Who’s going to be the next to challenge the new Obama Administration? Maybe Iran? And how will the Obama Administration respond? Oh, […]
The new Despair.com catalog arrived today, and just in time: and of course: And there’s always the do-it-yourself page (click on the image for a larger view): Should be an interesting week. ..bruce w..
Plus ça change, plus c’est la meme chose: “I am often made aware of the utter uselessness and folly of seeking to vindicate my character…from the simple fact that although foul aspersions can be bruited far and wide, held to the fluttering breeze by every press and rolled as sweet under every tongue, yet while […]
OK, after watching this video, I’m having to really rethink my support for Sarah Palin (and the old guy): Heh. ..bruce w..
[UPDATED 2004 MDT] And here’s a great political cartoon posted over at Gateway Pundit: Finally, I actually really like this photo of John McCain (in an Addams Family sort of way): Apparently, this photo was taken by a (Democratic) photographer in hopes of getting The Atlantic to use it on its cover. [UPDATED 09/14/08 1618 […]
Both of these via Rachel Lucas (though hat tip to The Line is Here for pointing me over there): And another take on the same photo: And, shameless stealing from S. Weasel again: Sarah Palin at the October 2nd Debate: Any questions? (I’ll replace this with the color version when Stoaty releases it.) ..bruce w..
For those of you who did not live in California at some point during the last 25 years or so, you probably don’t know who Willie Brown is. He is probably the most colorful political figure of that quarter century, beating out Jerry Brown and even the Terminator himself. Willie is about as staunch a […]
Courtesy of the ever-wonderful American Digest: As Gerard Van der Leun says, “Any questions?” ..bruce w..
Tuesday morning links
First off, don’t miss Henderson’s analysis of the pending missile shot by the North Koreans. Opposition within Congress to the cram-it-through legislative approach of the Democratic leadership: “The process by which these changes have been forced upon this body is so deeply offensive to me, and so deeply undemocratic, that it puts the omnibus appropriations […]
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