Category: Journalism

Friday roundup

Friday roundup

| September 18, 2009 | Reply

ITEM: See the guy weeping above? This is the ACORN community organizer (the paper’s phrase, not mine) in San Diego who offered to help smuggle underage girl into the United States for prostitution. Turns out that ACORN actually fired him. NATIONAL CITY – Local ACORN officials reversed an earlier decision Thursday afternoon and fired a […]

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When will Van Jones be thrown under the bus by Pres. Obama? [UPDATE x3]

When will Van Jones be thrown under the bus by Pres. Obama? [UPDATE x3]

| September 4, 2009 | 2 Replies

[UPDATED 09/05/09 — 2311 MDT] Hey, I was right, mostly. He resigned Saturday evening, and the White House did their best to bury the news by releasing it after midnight (ET). [UPDATED 09/06/09 — 0627 MDT] And I was exactly right about this statement at the end of my original post: The real question is […]

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Saturday’s an ooze day

Saturday’s an ooze day

| May 2, 2009 | Reply

MORNING LINKS — such as they are ITEM: Warmists are realizing that when you’re losing the data debate, the  scientific debate and the popular debate — you should just change the terms of the debate! The problem with global warming, some environmentalists believe, is “global warming.” The term turns people off, fostering images of shaggy-haired […]

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Friday’s a May day

Friday’s a May day

| May 1, 2009 | Reply

ADMIN: Yeah, I know today’s post title doesn’t rhyme with the others — but here’s a quick test of your own nit-pickiness: did the difference between Monday’s title and the rest of the week bother you? MORNING LINKS (and these are likely the only link you’ll get today). LINK: Speaking of workers, I’m going to […]

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Thursday spurning

Thursday spurning

| April 23, 2009 | Reply

OVERNIGHT LINKS ITEM: I figured that Janet Napolitano had some kind of security credentials beyond being a Democrat from a border state who was current on all her taxes. It doesn’t appear so (the credentials, that is; not the taxes; hat tip to the Drudge Report): In an interview broadcast Monday on the CBC, Ms. […]

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Wednesday earning

Wednesday earning

| April 22, 2009 | Reply

MORNING LINKS — yeah, I’m up early ITEM: Jim Lindgren over at the Volokh Conspiracy does the simple investigation that no news organization (except possibly Fox) seems willing or able to do. His finding: states with the highest unemployment rates have high tax and unionization rates, while states with the lowest unemployment rates have low […]

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Tuesday burning

Tuesday burning

| April 21, 2009 | Reply

[For those coming in from Ace of Spaces, here’s the link to the “Atlas Shrugged” review] MORNING LINKS Item: I swapped e-mails this week with “S. Weasel” who runs one of my favorite blogs. She and her significant other (now husband) recently moved to England; she loves it there, but in her e-mail to me, […]

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Monday churning

Monday churning

| April 20, 2009 | Reply

[For those of you coming in from Ace of Spades HQ, here’s the Atlas Shrugged review.] AFTERNOON LINKS ITEM: Visualization is always a good thing. The Heritage Foundation graphically illustrates the minuscule nature of Obama’s proposed  — and far from realized — cuts (hat tip to Instapundit): MORNING LINKS — things are heating up a […]

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Wednesday sings

Wednesday sings

| April 15, 2009 | Reply

MORNING LINKS ITEM: Wondering where all those Tea Parties are taking place? Have a look. Hat tip to Instapundit. ITEM: Creeping socialism/fascism alert — A Greenville, Texas City Council member is arrested and removed from a City Council meeting for talking about a subject that the Mayor didn’t like. Pretty amazing video, including the attempt […]

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Monday swings

Monday swings

| April 13, 2009 | 4 Replies

MORNING LINKS ITEM: Robert Samuelson, one of the more sane and balanced economic observers (probably because he has no noticeable political agenda), points out the fundamental flaw in Obama’s approach to the economy: What Obama proposes is a “post-material economy.” He would de-emphasize the production of ever-more private goods and services, harnessing the economy to […]

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