Category: Military

Is it Wednesday yet/already?

Is it Wednesday yet/already?

| September 30, 2009 | Reply

Hat tip on the video to Matt Yuen, a long-time friend and fellow PMS Commando (that writeup in from world-famous author (and budding politician) Dan Gookin, another one of the Commandos). You jump out of the same plane together, and you definitely are friends for life . . . however brief that may end up […]

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Michael Yon throws down

Michael Yon throws down

| September 26, 2009 | Reply

Remember that old saying about never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel? It applies even more with someone with as solid a ‘net reputation as Michael Yon. The British Media Ops over in Helmand Province (where my nephew, USMC CPL Darren Green, is serving) ended Yon’s embed with the British […]

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Friday roundup

Friday roundup

| September 18, 2009 | Reply

ITEM: See the guy weeping above? This is the ACORN community organizer (the paper’s phrase, not mine) in San Diego who offered to help smuggle underage girl into the United States for prostitution. Turns out that ACORN actually fired him. NATIONAL CITY – Local ACORN officials reversed an earlier decision Thursday afternoon and fired a […]

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Something I didn’t know about (the late) Ed McMahon

Something I didn’t know about (the late) Ed McMahon

| June 23, 2009 | 1 Reply

He served in two wars (WW II and Korea), flew 85 combat missions in Korea, and achieved the rank of Colonel in the USMC: When the United States began gearing up for World War II, McMahon wanted to become a Marine fighter pilot. Since the Navy’s V-5 program required two years of college, he enrolled […]

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North Korea’s Second Nuclear Test

North Korea’s Second Nuclear Test

| May 25, 2009 | Reply

News overnight that North Korea conducted it’s second nuclear test at it’s test site near Kilju, in the north eastern part of their country. Early indications are that the shot was between 2 Kilotons and 6 Kilotons, a larger yield than their first attempt where the result was a fizzled 500 Tons. There are conflicting […]

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Memorial Day 2009

Memorial Day 2009

| May 25, 2009 | Reply

Remembering those veterans from our respective families who have since passed on: Bruce Henderson: Peter Anderson, USMC — My dear departed uncle Peter served with Marine Intel during Vietnam Ian Henderson, RAF — [my dear departed father] RAF pilot who served the crown during the Battle of Britain as well the far east as a […]

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Tuesday’s a blues day

Tuesday’s a blues day

| April 28, 2009 | Reply

MORNING LINKS (Yeah, didn’t feel like doing overnight links last night) ITEM: The photo above says more than a thousand op-eds on how unseriously the Obama Administration is taking the threat of terrorism. While the White House is scrambling to distance Obama himself from this idiotic stunt, a lot of people had to sign off […]

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Tuesday stings

Tuesday stings

| April 14, 2009 | 2 Replies

[Here are Wednesday’s links as well] MORNING LINKS ITEM: USA Today has an outstanding article debunking the various myths about the Columbine shooters who killed just over a dozen of their fellow students 10 years ago: They weren’t goths or loners. The two teenagers who killed 13 people and themselves at suburban Denver’s Columbine High […]

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Monday swings

Monday swings

| April 13, 2009 | 4 Replies

MORNING LINKS ITEM: Robert Samuelson, one of the more sane and balanced economic observers (probably because he has no noticeable political agenda), points out the fundamental flaw in Obama’s approach to the economy: What Obama proposes is a “post-material economy.” He would de-emphasize the production of ever-more private goods and services, harnessing the economy to […]

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Wednesday prawns

Wednesday prawns

| April 8, 2009 | 1 Reply

MORNING LINKS BREAKING NEWS: The American crew on that ship hijacked by Somali pirates has retaken control of the ship. A reminder to the world: don’t screw with Americans. ITEM: Two books you really, really should read are Fooled by Randomness and The Black Swan, both by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. These are outstanding works that […]

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