Global Warming Moment Of Clarity
I am depressed I did not think of this first. Hat tip to the amazing climate science blog, Watts Up With That, and of course Joy of Tech.
I am depressed I did not think of this first. Hat tip to the amazing climate science blog, Watts Up With That, and of course Joy of Tech.
From an excellent article in reason.com: “Investing in socially responsible stocks just because they are socially responsible is not—underline not—a valid investment thesis,” says Steven Pines, a senior investment consultant for Northern Trust. “This crisis highlights the limitations of social research methods,” says Dirk Matten, who holds the Hewlett-Packard chair in corporate social responsibility at […]
Statistics from Option Armageddon (click chart for a larger view): Any wonder that Citi needs a bailout?
From Bloomberg: The U.S. government is prepared to lend more than $7.4 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers, or half the value of everything produced in the nation last year, to rescue the financial system since the credit markets seized up 15 months ago. Might I also add that the Treasury is refusing to disclose […]
From the Far Eastern Economic Review: Guangdong Province alone, the heart of China’s low-cost manufacturing base, has seen half of the shoe manufacturing industry close shop (over 2,200 factories) this year. Laid-off factory employees, along with millions of migrant construction workers likely to be left jobless as construction slows, will return to a countryside largely […]
Again from the wise mind of Anna Schwartz courtesy of the Wall Street Journal: If they [“toxic” assets that nobody wants] are priced at current market levels, selling them would be a recipe for instant insolvency at many institutions. The fears that are locking up the credit markets would be realized, and a number of […]
This morning’s words of wisdom from Bloomberg: “To rebuild economic health in the United States, you need a serious recession that will last several years,” he said. “The patient that got drunk on credit growth needs to go into rehabilitation. To give him more alcohol, the way the Fed and the Treasury propose to do, […]
Direct from the wise mind of Anna Schwartz courtesy of the Wall Street Journal: This (the crisis) is not due to a lack of money available to lend, Ms. Schwartz says, but to a lack of faith in the ability of borrowers to repay their debts. “The Fed,” she argues, “has gone about as if […]
Daily Financial Moment Of Clarity
From the pages of Wall Street Journal via Greg Mankiw’s Blog, word of a sharp drop in the demand for mistresses for the rich and powerful: According to a new survey by Prince & Assoc., more than 80% of multimillionaires who had extra-marital lovers planned to cut back on their gifts and allowances. Still, only […]
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