Category: Movies

The Star Wars Holiday Special, the condensed version

The Star Wars Holiday Special, the condensed version

| September 6, 2007 | Reply

First, some background via Wikipedia: A Gary Smith-Dwight Hemion Production in association with 20th Century Fox Television, The Star Wars Holiday Special was produced with a budget of a little over a million dollars. At the time, it was considered one of the most expensive TV endeavors of its kind. Taping began in October and […]

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Zombie crows

Zombie crows

| August 14, 2007 | Reply

OK, this clip is almost enough by itself to make me want to go see Resident Evil: Extinction. I’ve never played the games. I’ve only seen the first movie (and then only on SciFi), and it was goofy, formulaic, and had some really cheesy special effects (though I’ve always like the final scene). But…zombie crows. […]

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Paradise Lost: Star Wars at 30

Paradise Lost: Star Wars at 30

| May 26, 2007 | Reply

I can thank my old friend and, at the time, fellow BYU computer science undergrad Mark Savon for setting me on the path of having seen every Star Wars film on opening day. Mark told me about this nifty new movie that was coming out, Star Wars, and suggested we double-date (with our wives) to […]

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