Bush’s final press conference…
…is going on right now. And all I can say: he really is a class act. And I mean that in all seriousness. ..bruce w..
…is going on right now. And all I can say: he really is a class act. And I mean that in all seriousness. ..bruce w..
Given that Democrats control pretty much all levels of government here in Colorado, even I must confess some surprise at the following choices made for selected positions: The selection, and seeming consideration, of nothing but white males for three high-profile political positions has prompted substantial backlash from Colorado’s Latino political and business leaders who feel […]
After my post yesterday about Sen. Dianne Feinstein sending two different shots across President-elect Barack Obama’s bow in one day (Tuesday), Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), the Senate Majority Leader, made his own statements as well in an interview he gave to The Hill on Tuesday as well: “Even though we’re one short of 60 [senators […]
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was an early (July 2007) endorser of Hillary Clinton’s run for the US Presidency. At the same time, Sen. Feinstein was the one who provided her DC home for a private meeting between Clinton and Obama last June that led to Clinton ending her campaign and endorsing Obama’s candidacy. So, Feinstein […]
Back when Dave Barry still wrote a weekly column, Sandra and I had a Sunday morning tradition where I’d read the column out loud to her while she was getting ready for church. The highlight of each year was Dave’s annual recounting of the events of that year, in his own style. Well, he stopped […]
The city of Seattle (WA) has decided not to use salt or other chemicals in clearing ice and snow from roads, with predictable results: To hear the city’s spin, Seattle’s road crews are making “great progress” in clearing the ice-caked streets. But it turns out “plowed streets” in Seattle actually means “snow-packed,” as in there’s […]
Alan Kohler at the Business Spectator down in Australia does his best to explain CDOs, CDSs, and SPVs, then gets down to brass tacks: It is now getting very interesting. The three Icelandic banks have defaulted, as has Countrywide, Lehman and Bear Stearns. AIG has been taken over by the US Government, which is counted […]
…but the Onion, as usual, is right on target: In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole? Sigh. ..bruce w..
Wisdom from the past
I have recently been re-reading The Ancient State by Hugh Nibley and just this morning finished reading “The Hierocentric State” (originally published back in 1951 in Western Political Quarterly 4/2). The article itself suggests that key aspects of the vast nomadic cultures of Central Asia (e.g., the Mongols) were idealized and emulated by more sedentary […]
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