A reminder from years past
As Ben Franklin put it, “Experience is a dear [i.e., costly, expensive] school, but fools will learn at no other.” Hat tip to Instapundit. ..bruce w..
As Ben Franklin put it, “Experience is a dear [i.e., costly, expensive] school, but fools will learn at no other.” Hat tip to Instapundit. ..bruce w..
They prepare us for that which is to come: Are Violent Video Games Adequately Preparing Children For The Apocalypse? Heh. ..bruce w..
Things I probably never would have seen without the ‘net: Hat tip to The New Old Thing. ..bruce w..
As you may (or may) not be aware, a group of students took over a student food court at NYU and issued a list of demands. Gawker gives this brave, revolutionary effort the sensitive, thoughtful treatment it deserves: Brothers and sisters of the proletariat, you must at this very moment drop your bacon egg and […]
First, courtesy of Wizbang, comes this classic from 30+ years ago, from the movie “Network”: And here’s an equivalent from a few days ago: I’m mad as hell, myself. ..bruce w..
Wisdom from the Monty Python crew: Hat tip to Steve Hayward over at the Corner at National Review Online. ..bruce w..
Yeah, this pretty much sums it up: Hat tip to Mark Hemingway at the Corner at the National Review Online. ..bruce w..
Just watch and enjoy: Hat tip to The Borderline Sociopathic Blog for Boys. ..bruce w..
Today, January 20th, the United States inaugurates the first black man to be elected president. This is an historic day, though I don’t feel that it is as historic as some in the media seem to. To me, it’s not a big deal that Obama’s skin is not the same color as mine. There are […]
Monday morning roundup
Links worth reading: Democrats try to rebrand earmarks as good government. Not a surprise, since they’re also trying to rebrand trillion-dollar deficits as good economics. And speaking of good government, Rep. Charlie Rangel responds to direct questions about his tax issues. Robert Samuelson weights in on Obama’s approach to the economic crisis: Confidence (too little) […]
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