Joe Biden’s debate preparation
Hat tip to the essential Andrew Malcolm over at Investor’s Business Daily. ..bruce w..
Webster is Principal and Founder at Bruce F. Webster & Associates, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Brigham Young University. He works with organizations to help them with troubled or failed information technology (IT) projects. He has also worked in several dozen legal cases as a consultant and as a testifying expert, both in the United States and Japan. He can be reached at bwebster@bfwa.com, or you can follow him on Twitter as @bfwebster.
Hat tip to the essential Andrew Malcolm over at Investor’s Business Daily. ..bruce w..
Ace, over at the eponymous Ace of Spades, has been saying “Go big or go home” throughout this campaign, though mostly directed at the GOP and at Romney. For the first time in my life (that I can recall), I am working actively for a political campaign. I have made plenty of donations over the […]
Sorry for the quiet for the last week, but I am strill trying to figure out why switching to a new theme (and a rather plain-vanilla WordPress theme at that) suddenly caused most page-specific links into the blog to return 404s. Right now, I’m blogging at 35,000 ft, so I won’t have much in the […]
Each time I’ve tried switching this site to a different theme, it’s gone haywire and started returning 404s for existing pages. If you run into that problem going forward, please go to the main site page directly (andstillipersist.com) and just leave a comment on whatever the most recent post is. Thanks! ..bruce w..
Via Instapundit comes this rather damning image contrasting the “Obama Flag” (available for sale!) with the chilling image from Libya. Meanwhile, here’s the rest your morning roundup: Tomorrow (9/21) is Clint Eastwood Appreciation Day. Go see “Trouble with the Curve” and drive the Left nuts. Megan McArdle talks about the merit pay issue for teachers. […]
Thought it was time to freshen things up a bit. The theme itself is pretty plain vanilla, but the photos that show up in the header are now all photographs that I took, and almost all of them were taken around our house here in Parker, Colorado. I may keep tweaking the configuration, or I […]
From conservative-mole-within-State, Diplomad: In the late-1990s, I was working in State’s Political-Military Bureau in Washington. One of our duties was to work with the Pentagon planning and executing “noncombatant evacuation operations” (NEOs) in countries where the security situation had gone belly up. We had the job of getting our people out of harm’s way. This […]
Via Slashdot come a link to this MIT video (sorry, can’t find a way to embed it) about the work that Rodney Baxter (founder of iRobot) is doing to develop a new kind of industrial robot: cheap (~$22K), safe, and programmable by factory workers. What rings true in Brooks’ commentary is that people will find […]