Who owns the US debt?
Geldpress breaks it down for you, with actual numbers: Hat tip to Conservative Grapevine. ..bruce w..
Webster is Principal and Founder at Bruce F. Webster & Associates, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Brigham Young University. He works with organizations to help them with troubled or failed information technology (IT) projects. He has also worked in several dozen legal cases as a consultant and as a testifying expert, both in the United States and Japan. He can be reached at bwebster@bfwa.com, or you can follow him on Twitter as @bfwebster.
Geldpress breaks it down for you, with actual numbers: Hat tip to Conservative Grapevine. ..bruce w..
Remember those “massive Bush/Republican deficits”? Bush was a piker compared to Obama and the Democratic Congress. From Greg Mankiw via Instapundit. ..bruce w..
Wisdom from the Monty Python crew: Hat tip to Steve Hayward over at the Corner at National Review Online. ..bruce w..
“Nothing in Common“, starring Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason, is one of those films that comes back to me at odd times in snippets. In it, Hanks plays an ad executive who struggles in his relationship with his father (Gleason) after his parents divorce. But for me the best parts of the film show the […]
At this site you can see a selection of posters from World War II. It is easy to mock them today or to wince at the ethnic caricatures, but it was not at all clear through much of WW II who was going to win or where the final borders would be drawn. Hat tip […]
“Can you imagine a world repopulated by senators? The living would envy the dead.” — U.S. Representative Randall K. Jepperson IV in Boomsday by Christopher Buckley
Synchronicity strikes again. Even as the Senate moves towards passing what may be the single worst and most disasterous piece of legislation in our generation, I happened to turn on TCM this evening and found the 1959 film version of “Li’l Abner” (itself based on the 1956 Broadway musical). Just a few minutes ago, a […]
First it was the NY Times editorial telling Tom Daschle that he needed to step down as the Obama Administration nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services — which Daschle did the same day the editorial came out, specifically citing the Times as he did so (“I read the New York Times this morning…”). […]
Yeah, this pretty much sums it up: Hat tip to Mark Hemingway at the Corner at the National Review Online. ..bruce w..
Just watch and enjoy: Hat tip to The Borderline Sociopathic Blog for Boys. ..bruce w..