Yet another video o’ the day
The Onion is on a roll…what can I say? Precocious Youngster Sells Cookies To Buy Attack Ad ..bruce w..
Webster is Principal and Founder at Bruce F. Webster & Associates, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Brigham Young University. He works with organizations to help them with troubled or failed information technology (IT) projects. He has also worked in several dozen legal cases as a consultant and as a testifying expert, both in the United States and Japan. He can be reached at bwebster@bfwa.com, or you can follow him on Twitter as @bfwebster.
The Onion is on a roll…what can I say? Precocious Youngster Sells Cookies To Buy Attack Ad ..bruce w..
I was out running various errands today, which included stopping by my bank to deposit a few checks. The branch building looked deserted when I pulled into the parking lot, and as I went to go in the first set of doors, I saw a piece of paper taped to the inside of the 2nd […]
This sums up the campaign coverage at this point: Gunman Kills 15 Potential Voters In Crucial Swing State It’s getting harder to tell the difference between The Onion and the mainstream media. ..bruce w..
Got my (mail-in) ballot today and was startled at how many Presidential candidates qualified on the Colorado ballot. What’s your guess? (Answer and list after the jump)
[UPDATED 2134 MDT: Uh, corrected David Zucker’s last name. Thanks, Kevin!] [UPDATED 1604 MDT: Got an Ace-o-lanche going on, with other links coming in — welcome all! Also made a few minor edits.] The Devil, the proud spirit, cannot endure to be mocked. — Sir Thomas More I went into “An American Carol” with guarded […]
…I’m trying out some different WordPress themes. It’s been a while; time to change things up a bit. ..bruce w..
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground, And swallows circling with their shimmering sound; And frogs in the pools singing at night, And wild plum trees in tremulous white; Robins will wear their feathery fire, Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire; And not one will know of the war, not […]
Plus ça change, plus c’est la meme chose: “I am often made aware of the utter uselessness and folly of seeking to vindicate my character…from the simple fact that although foul aspersions can be bruited far and wide, held to the fluttering breeze by every press and rolled as sweet under every tongue, yet while […]
Not many marriages last 50 years, particulary not in Hollywood, and especially not when both parties are well-known actors. But Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward managed that on a very public stage, and the montage of clips below gives you an idea of the fire in the dance: Hat tip to American Digest. ..bruce w..
Not a good sign
In my long list of blogs and websites that I visit once a day is contemplate.us, which serves up a random proverb on each visit. As the global finanical markets melt down around us, I wondered what wisdom it had for me on a foggy October morn:
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