Category: Friends

Veterans Day 2016

Veterans Day 2016

| November 11, 2016 | Reply

  OK, since I’ve only made one post since last Veterans Day, I probably need to revive the blog a bit. In the meantime….   Here is our annual Veterans Day post listing the veterans, living and passed on, in our respective families: ============= Bruce Henderson: Andy Henderson, USN (active) — [nephew] Bruce Henderson, USMC […]

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So long, Steve, and Godspeed.

So long, Steve, and Godspeed.

| October 5, 2011 | 3 Replies

The second personal computer I ever owned[1] was an Apple II, with no floppy drive. I bought it, along with a small color TV, from my close friend Robert Trammel while we were both living in Houston sometime around 1980.We had already spent hours together programming on it, then carefully (though not always successfully) saving […]

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VLSB blogging: T-60 minutes

VLSB blogging: T-60 minutes

| August 21, 2010 | Reply

Turkeys and lamb done, carved, and in the oven; all brisket done, ready to be carved; soda needs to go on ice. General craziness time, so I can’t post  more until it’s all over. See you then.  ..bruce w..

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VLSB Alert

VLSB Alert

| August 10, 2010 | Reply

Sandra and I are doing one of our semi-annual Very Large Scale Barbecues on Saturday, August 21st. Any regular ASIP reader who is interested in attending, just drop me a line, and I’ll give you details. ..bruce w..

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

| November 26, 2009 | Reply

I am grateful for more than I can express: family, faith, friends, country, health, the opportunities of life, and above all my sweetheart, Sandra. God bless us, everyone.  ..bruce w..

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Is it Wednesday yet/already?

Is it Wednesday yet/already?

| September 30, 2009 | Reply

Hat tip on the video to Matt Yuen, a long-time friend and fellow PMS Commando (that writeup in from world-famous author (and budding politician) Dan Gookin, another one of the Commandos). You jump out of the same plane together, and you definitely are friends for life . . . however brief that may end up […]

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A great GayPatriot brunch

A great GayPatriot brunch

| September 5, 2009 | Reply

Sandra and I attended a brunch today, hosted by Dan Blatt of here in downtown Denver. There were eleven of us in all there, and the discussions were all quite interesting. Dan’s a screenwriter in west LA; at one point, he said that the tricky part of living there is not indicating that he’s […]

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