Category: Healthcare Reform

Obamacare and the Project of Doom

Obamacare and the Project of Doom

| October 23, 2013 | 9 Replies

I hardly know where to start. I just spent the last two days working on a matter involving a $100 million failed IT project, and it seems like a pleasant walk in the park compared to the news that keeps leaking out about the debacle. Let me start by saying: there is no royal […]

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Obamacare, IT, and magic thinking

Obamacare, IT, and magic thinking

| October 21, 2013 | 13 Replies

A very common pattern in a IT project such as the website is that those in the trenches know how bad things are, but those at the top don’t — or don’t want to know, leading to a phenomenon I noticed many years ago and named “the thermocline of truth“. What usually happens is […]

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Obamacare: descent into the maelstrom [UPDATED x2]

Obamacare: descent into the maelstrom [UPDATED x2]

| October 9, 2013 | 7 Replies

As I have noted previously — here (pre-launch) and again here (post-launch) — the problems with the website (and, as a consequence, with the various state healthcare exchanges) are more than a few “glitches” or “bumps”. They appear to indicate serious, fundamental issues with the underlying architecture, design, and implementation of the systems. This […]

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Obamacare is offline ‘for a few hours’ each night this weekend for repairs [UPDATED x4]

Obamacare is offline ‘for a few hours’ each night this weekend for repairs [UPDATED x4]

| October 4, 2013 | 7 Replies

Late news today (Friday, October 4th) that the site will be taken down for repairs: Bedeviled by technology glitches that frustrated millions of consumers, the Obama administration is taking down its health overhaul website for repairs this weekend. Enrollment functions of the site will be unavailable during off-peak hours, the Health and Human […]

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Obamacare and the Thermocline of Truth

Obamacare and the Thermocline of Truth

| September 26, 2013 | 14 Replies

[This post was written several days prior to the launch of on October 1, 2013 — I’d say that most of my predictions have been borne out, particularly in Update #3] For nearly 20 years, my professional focus has been on large-scale IT projects: why they succeed and why they so often fail. One of […]

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Let’s look at the actual impact of Obamacare

Let’s look at the actual impact of Obamacare

| September 3, 2013 | 2 Replies

My wife, age 60, has a high-deductible policy with Humana. She got a letter today from Humana outlining the exact impact of Obamacare on her insurance coverage. In essence, she has a choice of converting over to an ACA-compliant policy now, or continuing with her current policy until the end of 2014 (at which point […]

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Happy Labor Day! ILWU leaves AFL-CIO over Obamacare, immigration reform

Happy Labor Day! ILWU leaves AFL-CIO over Obamacare, immigration reform

| September 2, 2013 | Reply

Breitbart posts this news: In what is being reported as a surprise move, the 40,000 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) announced that they have formally ended their association with the AFL-CIO, one of the nation’s largest private sector unions. The Longshoremen citied Obamacare and immigration reform as two important causes of […]

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National Review cruise – day 2

National Review cruise – day 2

| November 13, 2011 | Reply

I’d like to post more, but the onboard ‘net access is expensive, slow, and flaky. Great sessions today: Jay Nordlinger interviewing Fred Thompson and John Sununu about running for president; a rather frank panel discussion on the potential 2012 Republican candidates involving John Miller, Tony Blankley, John Fund, Mona Charen, Robert Costa, and Raph Reed; […]

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Stupak caves…

Stupak caves…

| March 21, 2010 | 1 Reply

…film at 11. Or thereabouts. Foolish, foolish man. He will forever be known (and not kindly) as the reason Obamacare passed the House. And, of course, Obama has such a great track record of keeping promises. ..bruce w.. P.S. Poster hat tip to Moonbattery, c/o American Digest.

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Y’know, when you (as Democrats) have lost the Washington Post…

Y’know, when you (as Democrats) have lost the Washington Post…

| March 17, 2010 | Reply

…you’ve lost, period: WE UNDERSTAND the administration’s sense of urgency on health-care reform. But what is intended as a final sprint threatens to turn into something unseemly and, more important, contrary to Democrats’ promises of transparency and time for deliberation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Monday that she is leaning toward a parliamentary maneuver […]

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