What drives us all
The man is just brilliant. ..bruce w..
Gaius over at Blue Crab Boulevard (one of my favorite daily blogs) reports that Polaroid is shutting down the last of its manufacturing facilities for Polaroid cameras: When Polaroid users pulled a picture out of their cameras, an image would slowly appear before their eyes. Now, like the process in reverse, the image of the […]
Now it’s Google — the absolute favorite of Wall Street — that’s getting hammered: More than $11 billion (£5.5 billion) was wiped off the market value of Google late last night as the internet darling missed sales and profit targets after years of defying gravity. The performance over the final three months of the year […]
All the way back in August, I raised concerns about another tech bubble building in light of the valuation of VMWare shooting up to nearly $20 billion on the day of its IPO. Of course, VMWare’s market cap continued to climb, sitting at a high of $30 billion as recently as a few days ago. […]
Today is a perfect day to share some facts on the up side of finance. As is usually the case, even in an ugly market not everything is always all bad. For example we are once again to going take a look at Hardtack data on price per square foot. This time we review the […]
Some 18 months ago, I wrote about the Blu-Ray v. HD-DVD format battle and suggested that both formats were a dead-end, and that the real next-generation video media would be based on solid-state storage (e.g., flash RAM). I predicted this was quite a few years away, though. What I forgot is that there’s another optical […]
The Onion, not content with mere print/web journalism, has moved into video as well: In The Know: Are We Giving The Robots That Run Our Society Too Much Power? ..bruce w..
As noted in Works in Progress, I’m writing a book called Surviving Complexity, which deals with the challenges of IT development and deployment. Over at my personal website, I’ve posted material adapted from the first chapter of that book: In my forthcoming book, Surviving Complexity, the very first chapter is called “The Wetware Crisis”. This […]
First off, I have to cite a wonderful new blog from the folks that bring us Gizmodo, this new critter being called io9, and it’s all about Science Fiction and things surrounding it. A fabulous read if you are wandering around the house with your iPod Touch tinkering. One of the articles up there now […]
Just ask Jeff Jarvis: — Google is the “fastest growing company in the history of the world.” – Times of London, 1/29/06 — Google controls 65.1% of all searches in the U.S. at the end of 2007 and 86% of all searches in the UK, according to measurement company Hitwise. — Google was searched 4.4 […]