New Google opt-out method
Google Opt Out Feature Lets Users Protect Privacy By Moving To Remote Village The Onion is doing some of the best video satire around. Hat tip to Randy Barnett over at the Volokh Conspiracy. ..bruce w..
Google Opt Out Feature Lets Users Protect Privacy By Moving To Remote Village The Onion is doing some of the best video satire around. Hat tip to Randy Barnett over at the Volokh Conspiracy. ..bruce w..
In interesting and complex story is unfolding, centered on Goldman Sachs, the large and highly profitable company that we all worked so hard to fund with bail out dollars. The story started as a small, throw-away technical story about a former Goldman employee named Sergey Aleynikov, who left the firm and was accused of taking […]
MORNING LINKS. ITEM: That didn’t take long: President Obama apologizes for his “Special Olympics” remark on the Tonight Show last night. In the meantime, the New York Times beclowns itself (hat tip to Strategy Memo at Real Clear Politics) by saying: “In his appearance with Mr. Leno, Mr. Obama walked a tightrope between projecting good […]
Here in Colorado, part of the 470 beltway is a toll road — E-470 — run by the surrounding counties and other regioinal authorities. If you have a transponder (as we do), you can use the automated toll section. Since we live at the southeast corner of E-470, we use the toll road every time […]
Here’s the latest product announcement from Apple: Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard Did I mention that this was from The Onion? I suspect this is an older video, but I hadn’t seen it before. ..bruce w..
I’ll add “software engineers” as well, not to mention CIOs and CTOs. My latest Baseline column is up, and in it, I discuss just why you should read these books — or, if you have read them already, why you should re-read them. ..bruce w..
Tuesday morning links
First off, don’t miss Henderson’s analysis of the pending missile shot by the North Koreans. Opposition within Congress to the cram-it-through legislative approach of the Democratic leadership: “The process by which these changes have been forced upon this body is so deeply offensive to me, and so deeply undemocratic, that it puts the omnibus appropriations […]
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