Well-done judicial opinion
The Honorable Gregory R. Todd corrects a thief’s spelling and then gives him a dose of his own medicine. Hat tip to the Volokh Conspiracy. ..bruce..
The Honorable Gregory R. Todd corrects a thief’s spelling and then gives him a dose of his own medicine. Hat tip to the Volokh Conspiracy. ..bruce..
The always-erudite and readable Mark Steyn traces the surprising and convoluted history of one of the best-known songs of the 20th century: The third take almost collapsed at the outset as the unrehearsed musicians dithered and fished for the key, but once they started cooking, the song was glory bound. ‘Mbube’ wasn’t the most remarkable […]
UPDATED (08/09/06): Welcome to Consumerist readers (and thanks to The Consumerist for the link)! I’ve run across two different stories recently that have the same theme: fundamental flaws in common physical security methods can result in (a) you losing your property (car, household goods) and (b) your insurance company refusing to pay because they don’t […]
All of the exhibits used in the trial of United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui have been placed on-line. These include the exhibits used by the prosection and by the defense. Of the various exhibits and pleadings, here’s one — signed by Moussaoui — that reminds us what we face and why we fight: If this […]
I’ve been deposed, oh, a dozen or more times, and I’ve attended at least another dozen depositions, ususally of opposing experts. Being deposed is my least favorite part of serving as an expert witness — somewhat like going to the dentist for 7 hours, with occasional breaks. (In fact, I plan to have a rather […]
Just say no
Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign was mocked when it was started some 20 years ago, yet I think that ultimately it is the only effective approach. I’ve had a few extended family members who have stumbled into drug abuse; one is currently clean and doing very well, one is struggling with a life […]
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