A cautionary note on archeology
Heh. Hat tip to American Digest. ..bruce..
I haven’t written much about ‘Climategate’ because so many others are doing such a great job (for example, see here, here, and here). But this video (hat tip to Ace of Spades) pretty much sums things up (and with a catchy tune, too!). ..bruce w..
Hat tip to American Digest for the link. I’m in the early part of a two-day winter storm, still struggling a bit with the flu and reading documents. I’ll be back by the weekend. ..bruce w..
Hat tip to American Digest. IMPORTANT UPDATE! You can help Pres. Obama to get an actual vote for the Heisman Award! Vote early and vote often! ..bruce w..
And be sure to watch it all the way through, so you can see the slow-motion reply from different angles, not to mention the look on Djokovic’s face at the end, when he can barely keep himself from smiling at the impossibility of it all. Hat tip to the Borderline Sociopathic Blog for Boys. ..bruce […]
Byron York — who continues to do outstanding investigative reporting and commentary over at the Washington Examiner — picks up this video of Austan Goolsbee, a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Turns out Goolsbee was a contestant in (and eventual winner of) a Washington celebrity comedy contest. As York points out, […]
Hat tip on the video to Matt Yuen, a long-time friend and fellow PMS Commando (that writeup in from world-famous author (and budding politician) Dan Gookin, another one of the Commandos). You jump out of the same plane together, and you definitely are friends for life . . . however brief that may end up […]