For those of you wondering…
…here’s where I come out on the Political Compass Test. About where I’d figured, given the questions. ..bruce w..
…here’s where I come out on the Political Compass Test. About where I’d figured, given the questions. ..bruce w..
Here are our 9/11-related posts from this blog: In Memoriam: Ronald Paul Bucca (May 6, 1954 – September 11, 2001) In Memoriam: Robert David Peraza (May 26, 1971- September 11, 2001) “There are not many who remember…” A Day That Lives In Infamy Lest We Forget (2008) Lest We Forget (2007) Remembering the WTC Not […]
IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which […]
Sandra and I didn’t expect to end up with a new dog of our own when we took her sister Betty Jo to look at MinPin puppies in December 1994. The owner of the puppies, John Batchie, was a house painter in Escondido who lived in the upstairs portion of a converted barn on his […]
This doesn’t appear to be so much a real spam message as it is a student at a university having fun. Subject: Free heroin shipping From: “freeland temp” <XXXXXXX@uark.edu> Date: 9 Jun 2011 08:49:27 +0600 To: “der frederic” <[my e-mail address]> FREE HEROIN SHIPPING! 1. Heroin, in liquid and crystal form. 2. Rocket fuel and […]
I know I haven’t been posting much lately — I haven’t had a lot to say. But today, on Memorial Day, I want to repost the eulogy I gave for my father when we scattered his ashes out at sea in June 1997. My father’s life spanned three-fourths of this [the 20th] century and was, […]
Clearly, I’ve been looking at this music video all wrong: Rebecca Black wakes somewhat too perfectly in the early scenes of her viral video, “Friday.” Her eyes open exactly as the clock beside her bed flashes seven. She wears full make-up. Rare for a teen, she isn’t tired, longs not for any receding dreams. Her […]
CIA’s ‘Facebook’ Program Dramatically Cut Agency’s Costs The Onion, as usual, nails it. Once you’ve watched it, watch it again in full-screen mode to read the headlines and factoid crawls (starting around 1:45). ..bruce w..
Click on the chart above to see it in full size. The smallest scale is the one at the bottom (labeled (1)). Each scale above that one represents 10x the range of the scale below it. When you hear news reports about “detectable radiation that is above normally accepted limits” around the heavily damaged Fukushima […]
[UPDATED 03/13/11 — 1809 MDT] Jerry Pournelle links to the blog of an American engineer in Japan who points out at length just how well everything has worked in Japan during and in the aftermath of the quake, with a gentle reminder of how big Japan is: Quite a lot of the reporting on Japan, […]