The End Of The Rainbow
Sadly we now have photographic evidence what lies at the end of the rainbow….. Yes, it’s a portal-pottie. You are invited to dig for the pot of gold within.
Sadly we now have photographic evidence what lies at the end of the rainbow….. Yes, it’s a portal-pottie. You are invited to dig for the pot of gold within.
UPDATE: 04/10/08 – 1255 MDT: We’re currently getting winds in the 35-42 MPH range, which has dropped the wind chill down below zero (it was at -2 deg F a minute or so ago). And yes, it’s still snowing. ============== There was no snow on the ground at all when I went to bed late […]
One of the wonderful things about the internet is that if you wait long enough, someone somewhere will post just what you’ve always wanted. In this case, someone over in Germany had made a comparison between how food looks in ads and on packages and what the food actually looks like: Admittedly, it’s mostly German […]
Gaius over at Blue Crab Boulevard (one of my favorite daily blogs) reports that Polaroid is shutting down the last of its manufacturing facilities for Polaroid cameras: When Polaroid users pulled a picture out of their cameras, an image would slowly appear before their eyes. Now, like the process in reverse, the image of the […]
I recently took a wonderful trip to Scotland just before Christmas to visit relatives. It was a tremendous visit, and it was great to see everyone again. On the way home, I had the pleasure of sitting at a east facing window seat as we flew back to the US, with our route taking us […]
My sweet wife Sandra is in Madison, Wisconsin, helping out our daughter Heather and her husband Michael with the birth (last Wednesday) of their third child, Ksenia [1] Rose Harris: Sandra called a little while ago to report the following overheard statement: No, you cannot sell my breast milk on eBay to buy a Playstation […]
A significant portion of the traffic to this website comes from people searching for computer wallpaper (particularly involving winter, sunsets, and winter sunsets). To that end, I’ve created a separate page (see the page bar above) where I’m posting all the wallpaper versions of certain photographs I’ve shot. I’ve also started posting new wallpaper over […]
Just today I’ve had some communications with Jerry Sheehan at the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). During the San Diego fires, they were also providing information to the public via the web, working with NASA to generate and publish satellite imagery of the fires (click on the photo and scroll down to […]
Morgan Davis, an old friend of mine, sent me a link to photos that he snapped as the Harris Fire was roaring over Mt. Miguel in southeast San Diego County last week. Here are a few of the photos: And here’s his description of the photos on his site, as well as a link to […]
The past 8 days have been very strange for everyone in San Diego. The amount of people displaced, the amount of damage and the amount of disruption to a place that really likes its routines has left a serious toll on many people. Some examples of what this weekend was like; – Though the fires […]