Category: Recipes

Grandpa Jack’s Mexican Beans (recipe)

Grandpa Jack’s Mexican Beans (recipe)

| January 12, 2020 | Reply

I get asked on a regular basis for the recipe for my Grandpa Jack’s Mexican Beans. I have it buried in a 2006 blog post on this site, but have decided to copy it here as well, just to make it easier to point to. Much of the text is lifted verbatim from that earlier […]

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Brisket blogging update: Friday morning

Brisket blogging update: Friday morning

| July 24, 2009 | Reply

Yes, I did get up at 5 am this morning and started up the coals in the smoker’s firebox. The flames were visible at first, and given that our deck can be seen by lots of houses (and a few roads) for quite some distance, I had concerns about the fire department being called. Fortunately, […]

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Brisket blogging update: Thursday

Brisket blogging update: Thursday

| July 23, 2009 | Reply

I’ve just spent an hour or two cleaning both the smoker (which I haven’t used since last October) and the grill (which I haven’t used in since at least April). I now feel quite virtuous, probably unduly so. I’ve had six (6) briskets, each weighing about 7 lbs, marinading since yesterday, along with 3 elk […]

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A brief surfacing, with observation

A brief surfacing, with observation

| March 27, 2009 | Reply

I’ve been swamped with work (always a good thing), which is why my morning link roundups haven’t been here the past few days. Plus I was getting a bit discouraged at just how rapidly the handbasket seems to be plunging towards hell. Woooooooot! Well, I tried to make it Sunday But I got so damned […]

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Saturday morning cartoons

Saturday morning cartoons

| March 14, 2009 | Reply

I scan the web so that you don’t have to . . . Let’s see . . . the North Koreans . . . the Chinese . . . and now the Russians. Who’s going to be the next to challenge the new Obama Administration? Maybe Iran? And how will the Obama Administration respond? Oh, […]

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A winter recipe: beef and mushroom stew

A winter recipe: beef and mushroom stew

| December 20, 2008 | Reply

[Cross-posted from Adventures in Mormonism] Sandra and I, being empty-nesters, eat pretty simply: fresh fruit and veggies, Progresso soup, sandwiches, Lean Cuisine entrees, and the like. The only time either of us really cooks something is when we have company over for dinner. Well, our daughter Heather, her husband Mike and their three young children […]

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Thanksgiving Day menu

Thanksgiving Day menu

| November 27, 2008 | Reply

We have family and friends coming over for dinner (actually, two of our grandsons have been here since Sunday; we’ve been having a great time with the Wii, the ping pong table, and the air hockey table), a total of 10 people. Here’s what I’m fixing for dinner: roast turkey (22.5 lbs) corn bread stuffing […]

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Leftovers blogging

Leftovers blogging

| August 6, 2007 | Reply

Since there’s only three of us at home — Sandra (my wife), Salem (our youngest daughter, going on 22 and seldom seen), and myself — we don’t tend to do a lot of cooking, and we almost never have sit-down meals anymore unless we have company coming over. However, every few weeks, I will fire […]

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