![A gentle giant passes A gentle giant passes](http://andstillipersist.com/wp-content/themes/wp-prosper204/images/def-thumb2.jpg)
A gentle giant passes
And, yes, I had a coon-skin hat. Hat tip to Gerard Van der Leun. ..bruce w..
William Shatner reads Levi Johnston’s tweets on the Tonight Show. Hat tip to Greg Pollowitz at the Media Corner on National Review Online. ..bruce w..
Hat tip on the video to Matt Yuen, a long-time friend and fellow PMS Commando (that writeup in from world-famous author (and budding politician) Dan Gookin, another one of the Commandos). You jump out of the same plane together, and you definitely are friends for life . . . however brief that may end up […]
He served in two wars (WW II and Korea), flew 85 combat missions in Korea, and achieved the rank of Colonel in the USMC: When the United States began gearing up for World War II, McMahon wanted to become a Marine fighter pilot. Since the Navy’s V-5 program required two years of college, he enrolled […]
MORNING LINKS ITEM: Speaking of swine flu hysteria, this may be a good time to invest in pork belly futures — there may be a shortage soon. ITEM: Yet another way in which Western Europeans are looking for the US to help them financially. ITEM: Here’s a slideshow of items from the Michael Jackson Neverland […]
OVERNIGHT LINKS (and don’t go waiting for any updates, either) ITEM: Headline of the week: “Spacetime May Have Fractal Properties on a Quantum Scale.” ITEM: Economic common sense from … Germany? ITEM: There is some justice in the world, after all: “Vindictive people make less money.” ITEM: On the other hand, this explains a lot: […]
I scan the web so that you don’t have to . . . Let’s see . . . the North Koreans . . . the Chinese . . . and now the Russians. Who’s going to be the next to challenge the new Obama Administration? Maybe Iran? And how will the Obama Administration respond? Oh, […]
First cut for a Friday (the 13th! again!) morning . . . Be sure to keep up to date with the North Korean missile launch via Henderson’s posts. Obama went to Germany during the election, and they return the love: “Obama Fingers“. Wait! I thought the idea was to nationalize health care, not throw veterans […]