The taxman cometh
A wonderful video with a big hat tip to Gerard Van der Leun over at American Digest. ..bruce w..
A wonderful video with a big hat tip to Gerard Van der Leun over at American Digest. ..bruce w..
In the fall of 2008, in a political discussion with a friend, she asked if I was worried about Obama being elected. I said no, for various reasons. First, I felt (wrongly, in retrospect) that Obama, like Bill Clinton, would largely govern from the center. Second, I had (and have) a lot of trust in […]
Best $200 I ever spent. I’m going to be smiling for days. Contrary to a lot of the spin coming out of the Left, here’s what Rasmussen found: In the end, Brown pulled off the upset in large part because he won unaffiliated voters by a 73% to 25% margin. The senator-elect also picked up […]
One of my favorite modern authors, Robert B. Parker, died at home, literally while writing his next Spenser novel. I have read the whole Spenser series several times over the years and buy each new one as soon as it comes out in paperback. I wonder if he has tucked away in his files a […]
I didn’t have plans to go see “The Book of Eli”, even though the trailer made it look like “Fallout 3: The Movie” (I happen to be a big fan of “Fallout 3“). But then I read some early reviews that indicated that “Eli” might indeed be worth seeing, so my sweet wife Sandra and […]
I’ve never seen this clip before, but it’s one of the best Abbott and Costello bits I’ve ever seen, probably because most of the humor is coming from the other characters who show up. Hat tip to a comment over at Climate Audit. ..bruce w..
Not so well, as it turns out (details over at Big Government). In the meantime, the Obama Administration continues to play games on “jobs created or saved”. ..bruce w..
One fundamental economic problem with mass transit is that it rarely, if ever, is financially self-sufficient. This is usually explained away with something like, “Well, if we get enough people riding it, the benefit to the environment will be worth it.” Besides the fact that this generally isn’t true, there’s the additional problem that when […]
…they’d probably look something like the one above. Hat tip to Steven Hayward over at NRO. ..bruce w..
Governor Bill Ritter (D-Colorado), who has been trailing in polls against potential Republican challengers for his re-election this fall, has decided not to run at all, according to this morning’s Denver Post: Ritter told other Democrats the job was taking a toll on his family and he could not be successful as a father and […]