Author Archive: bfwebster

Webster is Principal and Founder at Bruce F. Webster & Associates, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Brigham Young University. He works with organizations to help them with troubled or failed information technology (IT) projects. He has also worked in several dozen legal cases as a consultant and as a testifying expert, both in the United States and Japan. He can be reached at, or you can follow him on Twitter as @bfwebster.

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Veterans Day – 2015

Veterans Day – 2015

| November 11, 2015 | Reply

Here is our annual Veterans Day post listing the veterans, living and passed on, in our respective families: ============= Bruce Henderson: Andy Henderson, USN (active) — [nephew] Bruce Henderson, USMC (former) — Yes, I was a Jar Head Peter Anderson, USMC — My dear departed uncle Peter served with Marine Intel during Vietnam Jim Zimmerman, […]

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In Memoriam: Ronald Paul Bucca (May 6, 1954 – September 11, 2001)

In Memoriam: Ronald Paul Bucca (May 6, 1954 – September 11, 2001)

| September 11, 2015 | Reply

[This year, as with previous years, I am posting a memorial for Ronald Paul Bucca, the only FDNY Fire Marshall to die the course of duty — that duty being helping to save people in the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks. I can add nothing to this tribute by his mother, Astrid Bucca, written a […]

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In Memoriam: Robert David Peraza (May 26, 1971- September 11, 2001)

In Memoriam: Robert David Peraza (May 26, 1971- September 11, 2001)

| September 11, 2015 | Reply

Robert (“Rob” or “Gringo”) David Peraza was 30 years old on September 11, 2001. He had earned both his undergraduate degree (1994) and his MBA (1996) from St. Bonaventure University, where he had loved to play rugby. He was now living in New York City and working as a bond trader for Cantor Fitzgerald near the top (floors […]

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New information on the location of the (Hillary) server

New information on the location of the (Hillary) server

| August 31, 2015 | Reply

Back in March, when the Clinton e-mail story first broke wide, I did my own on-line forensic investigation of where that server might be located, while reading the investigations of others, and I had serious doubts that the server was actually run out of the Clintons’ Chappaqua (NY) home — particularly because people from the […]

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How and why e-mails matter ( [reposted]

How and why e-mails matter ( [reposted]

| August 24, 2015 | Reply

[John Batchelor just interviewed me for his show tonight (8/24/15) and asked that I repost this entry from last March. It is more relevant now than ever, with the Department of Justice conducting an investigation into the Clinton staff over possible violations of national security protocols. Meanwhile, here’s a link to all my posts about […]

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70 Years On: This Is What Victory Looks Like

70 Years On: This Is What Victory Looks Like

| August 13, 2015 | 2 Replies

[Thanks to Ed Driscoll for the Instalanche!] Seventy years ago today, on August 13, 1945 my father John Webster — as a 21-year-old US Navy radioman on Guam — was involved in sending the message from the US Navy to the Japanese Imperial Navy on how to reach them for surrender talks. A few years ago, my […]

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Hillary House Party music video!

Hillary House Party music video!

| June 13, 2015 | Reply

You saw it here first! And if you think I’m overstating the case, here’s a CNN report on a Hillary House Party today in Iowa.  

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What I wrote in February

What I wrote in February

| June 5, 2015 | Reply

Back on February 11th, I wrote the following on my Facebook page: I am not at all convinced of the “inevitability” of Clinton’s nomination or (if nominated) election. Keep in mind that at this point in 1991, Pres. GHW Bush had approval ratings approaching 90%, and most major potential Dem candidates kept their hats out […]

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Memorial Day 2015

Memorial Day 2015

| May 25, 2015 | Reply

Remembering those veterans from our respective families who have since passed on (reposted from years past): Bruce Henderson: Peter Anderson, USMC — My dear departed uncle Peter served with Marine Intel during Vietnam Ian Henderson, RAF — My dear departed father — RAF pilot who served the crown during the Battle of Britain as well as […]

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“Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer — a brief review

“Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer — a brief review

| May 5, 2015 | Reply

[5/6: made a few minor edits for clarification] I received “Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer on Tuesday (5/5) and read it completely before I went to bed. About two-thirds of the way through, it struck me: this was like reading an over-the-top political satire by Christopher Buckley. All the usual elements were there: charming (and not-so-charming) American politicians […]

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