Health care reform in the past
An oldie-but-goodie. For a modern twist, go read The Adventures of Bunky and Biggo. ..bruce w..
Webster is Principal and Founder at Bruce F. Webster & Associates, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Brigham Young University. He works with organizations to help them with troubled or failed information technology (IT) projects. He has also worked in several dozen legal cases as a consultant and as a testifying expert, both in the United States and Japan. He can be reached at bwebster@bfwa.com, or you can follow him on Twitter as @bfwebster.
An oldie-but-goodie. For a modern twist, go read The Adventures of Bunky and Biggo. ..bruce w..
Time Lapse Test: Station Fire from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo. The above is a timelapse video of some of the wildfires in the LA area. Frankly, it looks spookier than most of the other things coming out of Hollywood these days. Hat tip to Gawker. ..bruce w..
As Rasmussen reports this morning: The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. These figures mark the lowest Approval […]
I’ve got a new camera (a Nikon D-5000) and have been trying it out. This (above) is Howling Wingnut, known simply as Winnie. And here’s her sister, Barking Moonbat, aka Marti (short for Martian — which Sandra thought she looked like as a puppy): Here’s Winnie again, showing off her fierceness: Meanwhile, here’s Marti with […]
For the last three or four days, Winnie has spent much of her waking time standing out by this portion of the fence, staring along the side of the garage. She was trying to actually dig her way under the face — moving the rocks with her paws — which led me to put the […]
Three years ago, I participated in Project 2,996, an effort to remember all those killed in the 9/11 attacks. I was randomly assigned Rob Peraza; in the process of writing my tribute to him, I ended up having contact with his family and was able to express my heartfelt condolences to them. Project 2,996 is […]