Daily Financial Moment Of Clarity
Statistics from Option Armageddon (click chart for a larger view): Any wonder that Citi needs a bailout?
Bruce Henderson is a former Marine who focuses custom data mining and visualization technologies on the economy and other disasters.
Statistics from Option Armageddon (click chart for a larger view): Any wonder that Citi needs a bailout?
Hmm…. Was it in tune? The Baldwin piano discovered in the Bells Neck woods appears to be in perfect working condition and had a matching bench as if it had recently been played. The piano was discovered Saturday by a woman walking along a path inside a conservation area at the woods. Another question police […]
From Bloomberg: The U.S. government is prepared to lend more than $7.4 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers, or half the value of everything produced in the nation last year, to rescue the financial system since the credit markets seized up 15 months ago. Might I also add that the Treasury is refusing to disclose […]
I am sad to report that some of the leading indicators show that the second wave of the ongoing financial crash is getting ready to start. In spite of the fact there was a huge rally back above 8000 on the Dow late Friday, the stock market is not what is driving this thing. The […]
Today I feel sorry for the president elect. Word from the UK Telegraph that Michelle Obama’s mother will soon become the “First Granny”: Michelle Obama’s mother has reluctantly agreed to leave her lifelong home on Chicago’s South Side and move to Washington to help smooth the transition for the grand-daughters who dote on her. The […]
MCRD Platoon 3010 – 1984 – click for full size. November 10th is a special day for Marines, it’s the day we celebrate the birthday of our beloved Corps. The Marines are a tough, no-nonsense force focused always and forever on the mission. On this 233rd, I would like to give a salute to all […]
The upcoming Obama administration was so eager to claim some form of government legitimacy, they decided to invent a previously unknown federal bureaucracy: The Office of the President-Elect. Now mind you, every President-Elect has a transition team that does a lot of work to make sure the day they get into office they can start […]
The UK Times has the above photo recently released to show that the “Dear Leader” (no, not Obama!) is recovering from his stroke and doing well. The photo shows Kim out paling around with his soldier buddies, having a good time. But the photo has more in common with the cover of “Abbey Road” than […]
Oh to be a fly on the wall! News reports say today is the day that President-elect Barry Obama gets his first real intelligence briefing as the Bush administration beings the transfer of national command authority. Up until now, our newly minted President-elect was a rookie Senator, and did not get the full details of […]
Iowahawk Nails It
Iowahawk shows that brevity is the soul of wit: So for now, let’s put politics aside and celebrate this historic milestone. In his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial 45 years ago, Dr. King said “I have a dream that one day my children will live in a nation where they will not be judged […]
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