Category: Main

In Memoriam: Robert David Peraza (May 26, 1971- September 11, 2001)

In Memoriam: Robert David Peraza (May 26, 1971- September 11, 2001)

| September 11, 2013 | Reply

Robert (“Rob” or “Gringo”) David Peraza was 30 years old on September 11, 2001. He had earned both his undergraduate degree (1994) and his MBA (1996) from St. Bonaventure University, where he had loved to play rugby. He was now living in New York City and working as a bond trader for Cantor Fitzgerald near the top (floors […]

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Kickstarter for World War III (video)

| September 10, 2013 | Reply

This, on the other hand, is a much better video. Heh. ..bruce w..

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“The Government”: a parody of “The Office”

| September 10, 2013 | Reply

Jim Geraghty, in his National Review Morning Jolt e-mail newsletter (a must-read; sign up here), gave a link to this new web series, “The Government”. It’s a parody of “The Office”, except that — as far as I can tell — most of the examples cited in the episode are real. The problems with parodies […]

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Syria as Obama’s Bay of Pigs

Syria as Obama’s Bay of Pigs

| September 8, 2013 | Reply

Once again, I link to the excellent Diplomad, a retired Foreign Service official, who makes the comparison: Obama is going for another Bay of Pigs, to wit, a half-baked operation lacking in the essential resources needed to produce a favorable outcome for the United States. JFK sabotaged Eisenhower’s stright-forward plan for eliminating Castro in favor […]

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Microsoft Surface 2: initial reports are underwhelming

Microsoft Surface 2: initial reports are underwhelming

| September 5, 2013 | Reply

I don’t mean to seem to be picking on Microsoft, but the Surface really is a case of too little, too late, being crushed by Apple (premium) on one side and Android (commodity) on the other. The current leaks about the Surface 2 don’t look to change the game any; Woody Leonhard over at Infoworld […]

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After all, our efforts in Libya worked out so well

After all, our efforts in Libya worked out so well

| September 4, 2013 | Reply

It’s pretty sad that we have to rely upon the British press for the news that the US mainstream media doesn’t want to touch, but there you have it. Latest example: an article by Patrick Cockburn in the UK Independent on just how wretched things have gotten in Libya since our “humanitarian intervention” there: Libyans […]

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Let’s look at the actual impact of Obamacare

Let’s look at the actual impact of Obamacare

| September 3, 2013 | 2 Replies

My wife, age 60, has a high-deductible policy with Humana. She got a letter today from Humana outlining the exact impact of Obamacare on her insurance coverage. In essence, she has a choice of converting over to an ACA-compliant policy now, or continuing with her current policy until the end of 2014 (at which point […]

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Article: The Legal Consequences of Illegal Wars

Article: The Legal Consequences of Illegal Wars

| September 3, 2013 | Reply

I am a member of a special-interest national security e-mail discussion group (long story); one of the other members today posted a link to an article in Foreign Affairs by David Kaye entitled “The Legal Consequences of Illegal Wars”: So what is the law? The black-letter law on the use of force is quite simple: […]

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Happy Labor Day! ILWU leaves AFL-CIO over Obamacare, immigration reform

Happy Labor Day! ILWU leaves AFL-CIO over Obamacare, immigration reform

| September 2, 2013 | Reply

Breitbart posts this news: In what is being reported as a surprise move, the 40,000 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) announced that they have formally ended their association with the AFL-CIO, one of the nation’s largest private sector unions. The Longshoremen citied Obamacare and immigration reform as two important causes of […]

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So, where did Syria get those chemical weapons?

So, where did Syria get those chemical weapons?

| August 28, 2013 | Reply

Lewis Amselem, who writes the always-entertaining-and-insightful blog the DiploMad, shares the likely answer:  I asked about chemical weapons. He perked up. Abbas laughed. He claimed that Iraq managed to slip those into Syria, “Right under your noses!” He roared this line, letting his nationalist sentiment overwhelm his new putative role of American vassal. Abbas insisted […]

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