A Joyous Christmas to All
Wishing joy, peace and love for all of you on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and all the days that follow. ..bruce w..
Wishing joy, peace and love for all of you on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and all the days that follow. ..bruce w..
My wife was checking voicemail messages on our home phone tonight and found the following message, received on our home phone at 1431 pm MDT: Hello, this message is for Sandra Webster. This is Special Agent William Rice[?] from the US DEA office in Washington DC. Please contact me as soon as possible at […]
OK, so I was (and am still) dismayed by the outcome of the elections, and all that has happened during the two months since has done little to alleviate my concern. Given that plenty of other blogs continue to fight the political fight, I am taking a hiatus from that fight myself. Except, of course, […]
It’s hard to believe that this is only day 2 of the cruise — we have been underway since about 5 pm on Sunday, with only a half-hour pause at the Bahamas in a vain attempt to see whether we could make our scheduled stop at Half Moon Cay (answer: no). So right now we’ve […]
No, no, no — just on a cruise. Or, more specifically, on the National Review 2012 Post-Election Cruise. Sandra and I went on the NR Cruise last year and had an absolutely wonderful time. This year, I suspect things will be a bit more pained, if determined. Maybe we’ll work to form a shadow cabinet, […]
I’m part of the Romney campaign’s “Project Orca“. As such, I am now a certified poll watcher and will be at my local polling location for 12 hours tomorrow, logging everyone who comes in to vote (I have a printout of all registered voters for my polling location) and then transmitting that information back to […]
My sweet mother-in-law, Nora Soreson Anderson Hopkins, passed away on Monday after suffering the first of a series of strokes the prior Tuesday. Nora was nearly 90 and was more than ready to shuffle off her mortal coil (and had been for years, as she’d tell anyone who asked and some who didn’t). She was […]
Ace, over at the eponymous Ace of Spades, has been saying “Go big or go home” throughout this campaign, though mostly directed at the GOP and at Romney. For the first time in my life (that I can recall), I am working actively for a political campaign. I have made plenty of donations over the […]
We live about 40-45 miles north-northeast of the Waldo Canyon fire, which is burning in the foothills that sit between Colorado Springs and Pikes Peak. The photo above, taken late this (Wednesday) afternoon from the deck of our house, shows the smoke above Colorado Springs. The local news is just announcing an expected containment date […]
I said in my last FHB post that I’d post again when I hit my -30 lbs goal. Well, I hit that yesterday (6/18) — about two months later than I had originally hoped, but still in pretty remarkable time: 5 1/2 months. What makes it a bit more remarkable is that last week was […]