9/12 March on the Capitol: live-blogging (sort of)
Sandra and I are leaving for Freedom Plaza in a few minutes. I’m taking the Acer Aspire One along and will attempt to liveblog and post photos as I can.
Sandra and I are leaving for Freedom Plaza in a few minutes. I’m taking the Acer Aspire One along and will attempt to liveblog and post photos as I can.
Heh. Two big signs that the Left is getting really worried about the 9/12 March scheduled for tomorrow. First, a (phony) bomb threat was called in to the FreedomWorks offices this afternoon: On the eve of what organizers call a ‘Big Ol’ TEA Party’, the Washington, D.C., offices of FreedomWorks were evacuated by DC Metro […]
Now that American Airlines has in-flight WiFi, it has become de rigueur to write at least one blog post while in flight. Well, here’s mine, at 35000 feet over, well, some state on the route from Denver to Dallas. That’s it. ..bruce w..
ITEM: My co-blogger, Bruce Henderson, has a post over at the New Ledger about the proposed legislation to give the President “emergency control of the Internet”: S773 makes no attempt to outline and describe what form of emergency would trigger the use of these broad new powers to limit communication, nor any means by which […]
MORNING LINKS — yeah, I’m up early ITEM: Jim Lindgren over at the Volokh Conspiracy does the simple investigation that no news organization (except possibly Fox) seems willing or able to do. His finding: states with the highest unemployment rates have high tax and unionization rates, while states with the lowest unemployment rates have low […]