Category: You Say You Want a Revolution?

Gerrymandering 101

Gerrymandering 101

| November 11, 2010 | Reply

If you are interested in politics at all, you should read this post, in which the author (nom de plume “Zombie”) explains just how redistricting works and why the real story of last week’s election is the massive Republican gain in statehouses across the country. What makes things complicated is that not every state is […]

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Denver Tea Party — video of lefty plant

Denver Tea Party — video of lefty plant

| April 16, 2010 | 1 Reply

Finally got this uploaded to YouTube. This is a video my wife shot yesterday of the ‘lefty plant‘ walking away from the Denver Tea Party, surrounded by folks mocking him — and almost all of whom have cameras of some kind trained on him. ..bruce w..

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Denver Tea Party — photos

Denver Tea Party — photos

| April 15, 2010 | 3 Replies

My sweet wife Sandra attended the Denver Tea Party today (I had to stay home due to work; hey, gotta pay those bills somehow). She reported no attempts to disrupt and only the one sign above (like anyone believes that Tea Partiers believe 9/11 was an inside job). UPDATE: Here’s video of said “lefty plant” […]

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The integrity Washington is lacking

The integrity Washington is lacking

| February 14, 2010 | Reply

Remember Chris Christie, the Republican who defeated Gov. Jon Corzine in New Jersey last year? Well, here’s his address to a joint session of the New Jersey legislature about the budget crisis there. I can’t embed the video, so you’ll have to go over and watch it. I have to agree with Hunter Baker’s assessment […]

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For Browncoats everywhere

For Browncoats everywhere

| January 19, 2010 | Reply

Best $200 I ever spent. I’m going to be smiling for days. Contrary to a lot of the spin coming out of the Left, here’s what Rasmussen found: In the end, Brown pulled off the upset in large part because he won unaffiliated voters by a 73% to 25% margin. The senator-elect also picked up […]

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Oh, what a beautiful morning…

Oh, what a beautiful morning…

| November 4, 2009 | Reply

…oh what a beautiful day! McDonnell wins in Virginia by nearly a 20% margin; ditto for the Republican candidates in the Lt. Governor and State Attorney General races. Christie wins in New Jersey in spite of Democratic control of the state top to bottom. And, of course, Obama isn’t watching the returns. Went to New […]

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Thursday, Thursday

Thursday, Thursday

| October 8, 2009 | Reply

ITEM: Y’all remember the “United Breaks Guitars” music video? Well, here’s a Downfall mashup (above) — possibly one of the best I’ve seen in a while. ITEM: Coming out of the Bryon White Courthouse in downtown Denver this afternoon, I saw this protest going on in front of the Federal Building across the street: In […]

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You can’t stop the signal

You can’t stop the signal

| September 22, 2009 | 1 Reply

In one of Glenn Reynolds’ posts today, he quoted what is probably the best-known line from “Serenity”: “I am to misbehave.” So I dug up the trailer for “Serenity”, thinking to excerpt that quote and post it here. Except . . . the whole trailer reads eerily (in hyperbolic mashup terms) like the growing conservative […]

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Saturday links

Saturday links

| September 19, 2009 | Reply

ITEM: Lacking actual support for health care reform, Congress and the Obama Administration looks to manufacture it in order to give the mainstream media cover for how poorly they’ve covered the whole issue: The plan for a series of grass-roots demonstrations Tuesday to promote President Obama’s health care agenda calls for tightly scripted events and […]

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9/12 March on the Capitol: some photos

9/12 March on the Capitol: some photos

| September 13, 2009 | 6 Replies

Sorry it’s taken me so long to post here. I tried last night, but I was so exhausted that I kept falling asleep while composing this post and resizing my photographs so that they weren’t each 5 MB in size. I was tied up here in DC pretty much all day today (Sunday) and got […]

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