Reviving the blog
Five weeks and counting until election day. Look for more posts here. ..bruce..
[This year, as with last year, I am posting a memorial for Ronald Paul Bucca, the only NYFD Fire Marshall to die the course of duty — that duty being helping to save people in the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks. I can add nothing to this tribute by his mother, Astrid Bucca, written […]
Robert (“Rob” or “Gringo”) David Peraza was 30 years old on September 11, 2001. He had earned both his undergraduate degree (1994) and his MBA (1996) from St. Bonaventure University, where he had loved to play rugby. He was now living in New York City and working as a bond trader for Cantor Fitzgerald near the top […]
This has been a test of the 2010 Midterm Elections Emergency Broadcasting System. In case of an actual October Surprise by the increasingly desperate Democratic Party, you will be presented with a set of links describing and critiquing it. We now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast.
This morning I had the privilege of attending a mass rally on the national mall in Washington DC. This event was organized by TV and Radio personality Glenn Beck, and was entitled “Restoring Honor”. Many saw this as a follow on to “Tea Party” rallies held in the fall of last year, and I can […]
I have been watching with growing levels of delight as a community of amateur satellite hunters have been tracking one of our nation’s newest space platforms, known as the X-37B. In this age of internet pundits seeking real time vainglory for themselves, there is rampant speculation what this thing is for, with frequent references to […]
While we have warmed up somewhat in the past week, anyone who lives in San Diego can tell you how cold and gloomy the summer has been. In typical San Diego summer, there is a period in May and June where the cold water off the coast fuels a persistent fog layer that spreads miles […]
The world is a dangerous place, and today that danger went up a notch. Our erstwhile allies, the Russians, have decided to lease a powerful Akula / Project 971 nuclear powered attack submarine to India for an extended period of time. India has been working steadily towards a home grown (and at some point for […]
Daily Financial Moment Of Clarity
Minyanville’s Kevin Depew warned us in 2007: “What we see as stagflation looming on the horizon in our side-view mirror today, may be full-blown deflation up-close as dollars are hoarded to pay down excessive debt and reduce, reduce, reduce.”
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