VLSB blogging: T-60 minutes
Turkeys and lamb done, carved, and in the oven; all brisket done, ready to be carved; soda needs to go on ice. General craziness time, so I can’t post more until it’s all over. See you then. ..bruce w..
Turkeys and lamb done, carved, and in the oven; all brisket done, ready to be carved; soda needs to go on ice. General craziness time, so I can’t post more until it’s all over. See you then. ..bruce w..
Overslept last night (despite the iPhone alarm I set) and woke up around 1 am. Not a problem: got the brisket out of the smoker, double-wrapped it, put it in the oven (at 200°) and went to bed. Got up this morning at 6 am. Cleaned out the smoker’s firebox completely; the coals are on […]
Last batch of brisket has been in smoking since about 3 pm this afternoon; I plan to take it out around 11 pm and put it in the oven. At that point, I’ll let the smoker rest until early tomorrow morning, when I’ll start on the three turkey breasts and the leg of lamb. Sandra […]
Bit of a short night. I was up until nearly 1 am tending to the brisket, then got up at 4 am to add more coals and move the briskets around a bit, then got up at 6 am to take the briskets out of the smoker. Here they are: I double-wrapped each one in […]
I’m doing three batches of brisket instead of my usual two. Each batch needs to smoke for ~7 hours, after which it sits in the oven at 180° for 18-24 hours, so the question is: do I start late Thursday night or early Friday morning? Answer: Thursday night. I lit the first batch of coals […]
Got up this morning while it was still cool and worked on cleaning up the smoker and the grill a bit. Now I have to get some degreaser to clean up the deck where I was cleaning the grills (and, frankly, to finish up portions of the grills). Ran out and did some more shopping; […]
It’s Wednesday afternoon, just over 75 hours before the VLSB (Very Large Scale Barbecue) is scheduled to start. I went out this morning over to Sam’s Club to buy 50 or so lbs of brisket and ended up getting nearly 70 lbs instead — ten (10-) briskets in all. I like Sam’s Club because their […]
Sandra and I are doing one of our semi-annual Very Large Scale Barbecues on Saturday, August 21st. Any regular ASIP reader who is interested in attending, just drop me a line, and I’ll give you details. ..bruce w..
As I’ve posted here before, I have a background in emergency preparedness, as well having been through my own experiences with both natural disasters and economic hard times (and, by the way, I’ve used food storage far more during the latter than the former). Some years back, I prepared a one-page checklist for getting started […]
…but I’m only two steps removed from accused Russian spy Anna Chapman on LinkedIn. Maybe I should see what my connectivity to Kevin Bacon is. ..bruce w..